7 Reasons Why Video Interviews Are the Future

The introduction of video interviews have been a blessing for all parties involved! Read inside to learn why they're such a good option. Enjoy!

June 20, 2023

The use of video interviewing has significantly increased over the past couple of years as more businesses see the value in adding a visual element to the initial stages of the recruitment process.

However, some haven’t felt compelled to adopt this process yet.

If you’re one of them, then you should definitely read these reasons as to why video interviews are and will continue to make a difference when assessing candidates.

Greater speed

One of the biggest reasons why video interviews are the future comes down to the ease they bring to the process.

From first glance, you’ll find a lot of CVs look pretty good.

But to interview dozens at a time will waste valuable time and resource.

(Just think of all the emails you’d have to send!)

Using video interviewing at the first stage enables you to engage with candidates much sooner, making them feel considered and like you’re actively trying to form a relationship.

It will give you a chance to see and hear what the candidate has to say over a quick call.

While phone interviews are also useful, they don’t always give you a clear idea of the candidate’s body language.

Do they smile a lot and look personable?

Do they make erratic hand movements and look nervous when you ask them a tough question?

You can gauge what a candidate is like without having to commit to a long face-to-face interview session.

A ‘try before you buy’ if you like!

Improves the quality of the hire

There are some things you can’t always assess on paper, such as personality, culture fit and soft skills.

These are all important aspects when you want to hire the right person.

However, with video interviewing, you’re able to see who does and doesn’t live up to expectations.

It’s a better way of coming to a more rounded judgment of someone before you get down to decision time.

In theory, you’re more likely to do a better job at shortlisting candidates and identifying the best to proceed to the next stage.

Having a recorded video is perfect for going back and reviewing what each candidate said as well.

You already have a million things to look out for already, so it’s easy to miss certain points they make when they’re speaking.

Reduce no-shows

Interview no-shows is a real issue today.

It’s easy for a candidate to change their mind as there are so many other opportunities out there.

Video interviewing can reduce the risk by cutting through the serious job seekers and passive ones.

Giving the candidate the flexibility to pick a time and date to have the video interview gives them no excuse to miss their allocated slot as it’s on their terms.

However, if they do miss it, you haven’t wasted hours like you would with a regular interview.

Opening up the channel of communication on a visual basis right from the get-go will give you an idea of who is passionate about landing this job and who isn’t.

If the candidate is going through the motions, you can cut your losses sooner rather than later.

You can provide after-hours interview slots too, which is a real bonus for job seekers.

It can be quite awkward and hard to ask for time off from a current employer, so you’d instantly remove this hassle.

No time wasting

Let’s face it, humans are judgmental.

It can take most of us seconds to decide whether a candidate is a right fit or not.

The positive about video interviews is that you don’t have to prolong the inevitable.

They should only take a few minutes to complete, so you won’t be stuck in a 30-minute face-to-face interview if you’re not impressed!

More eyes on the candidates

Trying to organise stakeholders and managers to be available for a specific date and time is a logistical nightmare.

With video interviewing, having it all recorded gives everyone a chance to review the candidate in their own time.

This not only makes your life easier, but it also helps reduce any conscious and subconscious bias from the decision-making process as you have more people involved during the assessment stage.

Get a true reflection of someone

Face-to-face interviews are daunting and nerve-racking.

Whereas video interviews can lighten the mood and make them feel at ease.

They don’t have to worry about finding your office or make idol chat with your other employees.

Instead, they’re in the comfort of their own home.

As a result, this should encourage them to give more open and honest answers to your questions.

It’s a golden opportunity to form a relationship with them and improve the candidate experience right from the start.

Geography isn’t an issue

The final reason why video interviews are the future is the fact that there aren’t any geographical limitations attached.

If you’re attending a conference 100 miles away, at least you can still interview while you’re out of the office.

Similarly, in certain industries and fields of expertise, there are skill shortages.

For example, trying to find a software developer in a small village down in Devon isn’t always possible.

Therefore, remote working becomes a necessity.

To coincide with this, your business can carry out video interviews too.

Just make sure you have a good internet connection!

Final thoughts

There are a lot of benefits to video interviewing.

While it may seem like another step in the recruitment process, it can save you money in the long-run, as it gives you a greater chance of securing a top candidate who will stay at your company for longer.

At the start, keep all video interviews relatively short until you feel confident enough to expand on it with more questions.

Over time, you’ll have a robust strategy that’s integral to your recruitment process.

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