9 Sales Interview Question Types You Shouldn't Ask And 20 Alternatives

Discover the 9 sales interview questions to avoid and explore 20 alternative questions to assess candidates effectively in sales recruitment, promoting fairness and legal compliance.

June 20, 2023

It's crucial to ask the right interview questions to identify he very best sales talent. However, it's equally important to be aware of the questions you should avoid asking to ensure a fair and legally compliant hiring process.

In this guide, we'll explore nine sales recruitment question types you should steer clear of and provide you with 20 alternative questions that will help you assess candidates effectively. Let's dive in...

Section 1: Sales Interview Questions to Avoid

#1. Age-related inquiries:

Asking a candidate about their age can be seen as discriminatory. Instead, focus on their experience, skills, and accomplishments. For example, ask, "Tell us about your experience in achieving sales targets throughout your career."

#2. Marital status and family-related questions:

Inquiring about a candidate's marital status or family situation is irrelevant and could be perceived as biased. Instead, ask, "How do you balance your personal and professional commitments to ensure success in a sales role?"

#3. Nationality or country of origin questions:

It's essential to avoid questions that probe a candidate's nationality or country of origin. Focus on their ability to navigate diverse markets and cultures by asking, "Tell us about your experience working with international clients and how you adapt your sales approach."

#4. Health and disability questions:

Inquiring about a candidate's health or disability is discriminatory. Instead, ensure that your interview process is inclusive and accessible for all candidates.

#5. Religious or political beliefs:

Asking candidates about their religious or political beliefs can lead to bias and discrimination. Instead, focus on their sales techniques and strategies. For instance, ask, "How do you tailor your sales approach to different customer demographics?"

#6. Sexual orientation or gender identity questions:

Questions regarding sexual orientation or gender identity should be avoided to ensure a fair and inclusive hiring process. Concentrate on their sales achievements and customer relationship management skills.

#7. Arrest records or criminal history:

It's important to avoid questions related to a candidate's arrest records or criminal history, as it may lead to unfair bias. Instead, conduct appropriate background checks following legal guidelines.

#8. Credit history and financial status:

Asking candidates about their credit history or financial status can be perceived as intrusive and discriminatory. Focus on their sales experience and ability to handle complex deals.

#9. Personal questions unrelated to the job:

Steer clear of asking personal questions that are unrelated to the candidate's qualifications and ability to excel in a sales role. Stay focused on their sales track record and professional achievements.

Section 2: 20 Alternative Sales Interview Questions

Competency and Skill Assessment Questions:

#1. "Tell us about your experience in achieving sales targets throughout your career. How did you consistently meet or exceed those targets?"

#2. "How do you handle objections from potential clients? Can you provide an example of a challenging objection you successfully addressed?"

#3. "Can you share an example of a complex sales deal you successfully closed? Walk us through the steps you took to navigate the complexities and win the sale."

#4. "Describe your approach to building and maintaining relationships with clients. How do you ensure long-term customer satisfaction?"

#5. "Tell us about your approach to prospecting and lead generation. How do you identify and convert potential leads into loyal customers?"

Problem-solving and Decision-making Questions:

#6. "Share a challenging sales scenario you encountered and how you resolved it. What strategies did you employ to turn the situation around?"

#7. "How do you prioritise your sales activities to maximise results? Can you give us an example of a time when you effectively managed multiple priorities?"

#8. "Give an example of a situation where you had to make a tough sales-related decision. How did you analyze the options and what was the outcome?"

#9. "How do you adapt your sales strategy to different customer personalities or preferences? Can you provide an example of how you customised your approach to win over a challenging customer?"

#10. "Sales can be a tough field with a lot of rejection. How do you handle rejection and stay motivated to achieve your sales goals?"

Teamwork and Collaboration Questions:

#11. "Describe a time when you worked closely with a team to achieve a sales goal. What was your role, and how did you contribute to the team's success?"

#12. "How do you contribute to creating a positive and collaborative sales team environment? Can you give an example of a time when you helped foster teamwork and camaraderie among your colleagues?"

#13. "Give an example of how you have mentored or coached a fellow sales team member to help them improve their performance."

#14. "How do you handle conflicts or disagreements within a sales team? Can you provide an example of a time when you successfully resolved a conflict and maintained positive working relationships?"

#15. "Share an example of how you have collaborated with other departments, such as marketing or customer support, to close a sale. How did this collaboration enhance the overall customer experience?"

Communication and Relationship-building Questions:

#16. "Explain how you tailor your communication style to different types of customers. Can you share an example of a time when you adjusted your approach to effectively connect with a customer?"

#17. "Describe your approach to building rapport and trust with potential clients. How do you establish and nurture strong relationships to drive sales?"

#18. "How do you handle difficult conversations or negotiations with clients? Can you give an example of a challenging negotiation where you successfully reached a mutually beneficial outcome?"

#19. "Give an example of a time when you had to deliver a persuasive sales presentation. How did you captivate your audience and ultimately close the deal?"

#20. "In today's digital age, how do you use technology and social media platforms to enhance your sales effectiveness? Can you share a specific strategy or tool you've used successfully?"


As a recruiter, asking the right interview questions is essential to evaluate sales candidates effectively.

By avoiding inappropriate questions and focusing on the candidate's skills, experience, and achievements, you can create a fair and inclusive hiring process.

The 20 alternative questions provided in this guide will help you assess a candidate's competency, problem-solving abilities, teamwork skills, and communication expertise.

Remember, the goal is to find the best fit for your sales team while ensuring a legally compliant process.

Tailor these questions to your specific organisation's needs and culture.

By conducting thorough interviews and making informed decisions, you'll increase the chances of hiring top-notch sales professionals who can drive revenue and contribute to your company's success in the competitive sales landscape.

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