CV Assessment Checklist: 20 Things You Should Be Looking Out For.

Sick of interviewing inappropriate job candidates..? Want to speed up your recruitment and save money in the process? This (printable) CV assessment checklist will help you to do just that!

June 20, 2023

CV assessment is the most long-winded and laborious part of the recruitment process.

Done well, you should be culling unsuitable candidates early on in the process saving yourself time and money. Done badly, you could be wasting hours interviewing irrelevant ones.

Now as you can imagine, we know a thing or two about the topic (it’s an integral part of our day job…)

So this week, we’ve created a CV Assessment Checklist just for you, to help you speed your process up.

To print your checklist out - click on the picture and when the new browser pops up just click Ctrl+P!

To print your checklist out - click on the picture and when the new browser pops up just click Ctrl+P!

What next?

There’s no general threshold of how many “yeses” make up a good candidate – you’ll have to decide that for yourself! Or, you could always make an executive decision to interview only the 5-10 top scorers? It's entirely up to you!

Recruiter Pro Tip Don't forget, recruitment is about balance - and no technique is foolproof. Use the above checklist to structure your assessment process, rather than as an overruling set of standards - and remember that candidates (probably) won’t have read a blog post like this (and therefore won’t know exactly what you're looking for) - so don't be too harsh! Once you get the hang of it, CV assessment really should take no more than 2 minutes (during that initial screening stage, anyway).

If you'd like more advice on CV assessment, interviewing techniques and staff retention in general, click here to subscribe to this blog!

Would you like more advice?

Now it's time to think about the most daunting part of the process - the interview! So if you'd like some top tips on how to be a great interviewer, check out these posts...

Good luck.

Coburg Banks - Multi-Sector Recruitment Agency
We help great people get brilliant jobs in top companies.